


顺说当初买了诗学翻了两页,现在居然巴巴地弄本英文诗学来看,我真是闲着无聊么= =|||||


We feel pity for a man who does not deserve his misfortune; we fear for someone like ourselves; neither feeling is here involved.

The Tragic Character
We are left with a character in between the other two; a man who is neither outstanding in virtue and righteousness, nor is it through wickedness and vice that he falls into misfortune, but through some flaw.  He should also be famous or prosperous, like Oedipus, Thyestes, and the noted men of such noble families.

...but now the best tragedies are constructed around the fortunes of a few families, and are concerned with ... and any other such men who have endured or done terrible things.

The Tragic Situation
...When, however, suffering is inflicted upon each other by people whose relationship implies affection, as when a brother kills, or intends to kill, his brother, a son his father, a mother her son, a son his mother, or some other such action take place--those are the situations to look for.

Acting in Ignorance
...There is still a third way: when someone who intends to do the deed is ignorant of the relationship but recognizes it before the deed is done.  There is no further alternative, for one must act or not, either with knowledge or without it.
The worst of all these is to have full knowledge and intend to do the deed, and then not do it; this is not tragic but shocking, and there is no suffering. ... It is better to commit the crime.  Better still is to do it in ignorance and to recognize the truth afterwards.

Four Types of Tragedy
There are four types of tragedy, the same number as the elements we mentioned earlier: the complex tragedy, in which reversal and recognition are the whole drama; the tragedy of suffering; the tragedy of character; and, fourth, the spectacular tragedy.

Chapter 4

A decade ago an Austrian historian labelled Austria "a nation sui generis" -- culturally, ethnically, and politically distinct; no one's "errant offspring and lost province". (没人要again

Western wartime planners arrived at the long-term conclusion that an independent Austria was too weak on its own and instead should become a leading element within a Danubian federation. (这……“那家伙一个人活不下去,给他一大家子吧……”?

The document viewed Austria as the keystone of the Danubian arch over the past five centuries.  Its people were at one and the same time the most provincial and the most cosmopolitan in Europe.  Before 1918 they had possessed no sense of national identity and they had failed to develop it subsequently.  They were victims of imperial memories, deeply riven by local and ideological divisions.  Austrians had proved unable to establish a viable state.  Paradoxically, however, Austria's lack of overheated nationalism made the country much more rational than nationalistic Germany or the other Central European states.  Southeast Europe, or as the paper termed it, "Danubia," had finally succumbed to noxious nationalism.  The national principle had obviously proved unworkable in "Danubia."  Its people were too ethnically and religiously mixed, and too passionate. (这什么懒洋洋慢吞吞家主体质啊!

The time for a healthy and independent Danubian union, in which Austria could have found her natural function as an experienced and cultured 'older brother' of the Successor States, had gone. (natural functionって...


Chapter 2: The Anschuluss Accepted

By steadily increasing pressure on von Schuschnigg, he undermined Austrian hopes for rescue from the outside, convincing many Austrians and others that Anschuluss was inevitable.  This quiet approach promised Hitler the likelihood that Austria would fall into his lap like an overripe apple. (想到“总有一天你会像熟透的果子那样落进我们怀里”……TvT,萌得泪流满面

The British government recognized Hitler's "special interest" in Austria and hoped that flexibility on this issue would enable the great powers to reach a general European settlement.  Oliver Harvey, Anthony Eden's principal secretary, reiterated in Feburary 1938 what he had been long correct in assuming, namely, "that nobody would fight for Austria."

According to Cadogan, Austro-German union was inevitable, and he acutally chafed at Hitler's hesitation in "solving" the Austrian question.  "I almost wish Germany would swallow Austria and get it over with ... what is the good of brandishing Austria under Hitler's nose when we can't do anything about it?"

Chapter 3


总算把他家战前一堆破事几个派别给稍微理清楚了点,不过Christian Social你们没一个领袖人物流亡,全都呆住国内等着被抓起来关进去,到底是图个啥啊=。=
顺说在眉毛手下的贵族家流亡人士还真是憋屈……一直到47年才停止被当做敌国流亡者……真是何必= =|||||,而且47年这个年份……(想起了自己时间错位的脑补orz


Austria became "ce qui reste," the state nobody wanted, a country little more than a "pathetic relic," according to the British historian Elizabeth Barker.

After 1919 many observers pronounced Austria a nonviable economic unit that could limp along only through the infusion of continued Allied support. A great deal of external aid, mainly from Great Britain and the United States, flowed into Austria, while the League of Nations virtually controlled the country's finances until 1926.
[Social Democrats, Christian Socials and German Nationalists] each party had its own vision of Anschluss with Germany as a way out of current impasses. Austrian Socialists dreamed of union with their left-wing German brethren in an enlarged, German-speaking, socialist republic encompassing Germany and Austria. Christian Socials envisaged a fusion with their German conservative and Catholic Centre Party counterparts. Pan Germans favoured unification with Germany's nationalists.

In sum, the modest Swiss model which the Allies had urges the Austrians to emulate remained unattractive to socialist, conservative, and nationalist groups, all of which viewed the Austrian Republic as a decadent, weak, boring structure, lacking historical roots and devoid of any future. ... Indeed, after World War I the pupulation of Vorarlberg voted to join Switzerland, while only 2 per cent in Salzburg and 8 per cent in Tyrol voted to join a new and independent Austria.

"The people of Britain," [Churchill] intoned resoundingly, "will never desert the cause of the freedom of Austria from the Prussian yoke." It was indicative of Churchill's heavily historical perspective that he still interpreted the struggle against the Nazis in terms of the war against the Germans of the Second Empire, who had all been subsumed by propaganda under the term "Prussians".



“你放心,H ERO会做出合适的调整的。”

(所以说什么叫take the burdens with the benefits啊你们...



There can be no doubt that a retreat to Olmuetz or beyond, however disgraceful, was the right policy. ... but it would not have accorded with the traditions of the house of Habsburg.  Ferdinand II encompassed by the rebels, Maria Theresa in conflict with all the armies of the Continent, Francis in his ceaseless wars against Napoleon, all had put their fortunes to the test on the battlefield, however unfavourable the circumstances.  Austria's position in Europe did not rest so much on great victories as on her defensive strength.  She had not lost provinces, but only after long and fierce resistance.  Never did she abandon a position without a struggle as Prussia did at Olmuetz, or as Russia was to do at the Congress of Berlin.  There was in Austria no articulate public opinion, and the determining factor was therefore the honour of the empire and the dynasty; a ruling house, especially when it is sure of the allegiance of its subjects, will always prefer a battle to a voluntary humiliation.

Prussia Headquarters were far from confident; it was clear that the centre was making no headway, and the troops who had been on the march since early morning with nothing but a cup of coffee to sustain them could hardly be expected to withstand a powerful counter-attack. ... Bismarck related later that, noticing that Moltke had run out of cigars, he offered him his own case, with the two last cigars in it; he was relieved to see that Moltke carefully examined them and chose the better one. (好可爱!不知为何就是觉得喝了一杯咖啡就去打仗的普君很萌!信心十足挑一根好烟的Moltke也好萌!)

The Austrian army was, however, as much shaken by its own loss of morale as it could have been by any Prussian pursuit.  The cavalry could rightly feel they had done as well as the enemy, and the artillery had shown itself definitely superior; but the infantry had lost faith in everything--in their weapons, in their leaders, in their tactics, and in themselves.  None could be braver than the Austrian infantry in attack, but there their enegy was exhausted and during the retreat they lost all discipline.

The Austrian army had fought bravely and honourably to the last: there was no Austrian collapse after Koeniggraetz like the French collapse after Rossbach or the Prussian collapse after Jena, and the victor was left almost as exhausted as the vanquished. (到哪儿都是慢吞吞的,到哪儿都是pride的问题,果然是这家伙的作风么orz……话说回来,打赢之后忘了趁胜追击,在原地一圈一圈打转欢庆胜利的普君家军队也很可爱啊)

French Intervention

Austria, the Prince said, was cringing in defeat, but revengeful in victory, and would exact a heavy retribution at the first opportunity unless she was crushed completely. (跟你没完不愧是跟你没完……)

Bismarck therefore grasped all the more eagerly at a new weapon to force Austria to a speedy peace.  He sent for the Hungarian exile, General Klapka, and told him that the organisation of a Hungarian legion was to be seriously undertaken; the Hungarian prisoners were to be transferred to Silesia and there Klapka was to try to recuit them for an invasion of Hungary.  Bismarck declared that he did not aim at the destruction of Austria, but only at a rapid conclusion of peace; but since he anticipated further fighting, he was ready to give the Hungarian a chance to show that their boasts were not empty words. (哇靠搞了半天最后进攻匈牙利的是匈牙利军团啊!顿时脑补了反骨咖喱男!这可真美味啊……)

Bismarck and Moltke realised that the nearer they got to Vienna the higher would be the final reward of victory.

The Emperor's principal anxiety was Hungary, for the German and Slav lands, despite their complaints, never refused further sacrifices of blood and money. (从内心变态的一面来说,很喜欢这样的抖M贵族啊……)


Austria found herself deserted, in a position best described by a French lady who said to Vitzthum: "Do you know what history will say?  I will whisper it in your ear: When virtuous Austria finally decided to yield to Napoleon's wishes, she found only an Abelard--after the operation." (一口血喷出来,你们……你们……这尺度比同人还要大啊!)

Bismarck had offered over and over again to share Germany with Austria.  It may be doubted whether these offers were sincere; now, at any rate, they ceased. (就算是自找的,还是会觉得虐,果然是厨的溺爱心理么……TvT,即使总有一种想把他折腾得直接入土为安[喂]的冲动,也会觉得虐啊> <)

Meanwhile [on July 23] a swarm of German princes and ministers hastened to Vienna to beg for protection. (笑死了……不知为何就是觉得很好笑,而且Pfordten先生自己当时不也是反奥的嘛,萨叔家却没人来求援……)


On the conclusion of the armistice the [Hungarian] legion was officially dissolved, but on Bismarck's instruction it remained in existence, and on August 3 it embarked on the invasion of Hungary.  The invasion did not proceed very far.  There was not the slightest sign of a popular insurrection agaist the Austrian rule, and on August 6 the legion of Klapka hastily recrossed the Hungarian frontier without having fired a shot.


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