

雪姑娘推荐的big bang文While His Name is Still Spoken,收到推荐的当天看了大概三分之一,今天又看了一点,不禁觉得真是部需要细细品味的文
如果文太长的话有时难免会扫一眼看情节为主,但是这篇倒是打算慢慢看,作者mariana_oconnor小姐是之前我就很喜欢的一位作者,她的文很多长文,还没开始细看。不过我非常喜欢的hoosierbitch的一篇To Commond the Sea就是对她同名短文的改编,而且她还写过超可爱的幼年亚瑟,她的有些短文我也扫了一眼,觉得作者对亚瑟应该是真爱(喂!)于是她的LJ是我存在工作用电脑里打算慢慢品味的,big bang里有她的文基本也可以算我能放心大胆看的品质保障
扯了那么多只是想说,big bang因为文章太长,如果没有一定的保证我是不太敢看的……一方面因为攻受上站在大众的反面太容易中枪,另一方面单纯的romance又不太是我的菜。所以这篇推文如此对我的胃口(至少在看了一半的现在),真是太棒了TvT

“We weren’t finished,” he said to the waters of the lake. “We spent all that time worrying about the world…” The wind whistled past his ears, faster and faster, snatching the words out of his mouth as he spoke them, making him doubt whether they had ever been said out loud at all. “We never had time for ourselves. He never had a chance to be Arthur. He was always the Prince or the King. The Ruler, the Conqueror, the Tyrant.” He spat the last word, remembering Mordred’s speech on the battlefield. “It wasn’t fair. He gave you everything. We gave you everything!” He raised his voice above the level of the wind as it whipped the material of his clothes around him. “It wasn’t FAIR!

There was a clap of thunder that shook the ground and the trees; lightning flashed across the sky; and then, the world hung there for a second, the water paused mid wave, the bows of the trees bent dangerously towards him, and even the air seemed frozen. Just as suddenly as it had come, the wind stopped, the water crashed downwards again, as though it had just been dropped, and the trees sprang back upright.

Merlin bowed his head and glared at the ground. There was power coursing through him; he could control the weather, he could command time. He had the power to kill with a glance, and to save lives. Why not this? Why not go further?

The grass ruffled slightly, though there was no longer even a breeze on the wind.

Why not?

We cannot play at being gods.

Why not?

粗体完全表达我的心TOT!!!之前看413的时候就想吐糟这剧里的梅林真是有点play god了,不过这篇里的梅林真的彻底放开顾虑play god反而超带感!TVT

“We know where he is.”


“What would you give us for that information?” the second voice whispered against his cheek. “How much is he worth?”

“Anything – I’ll give you anything,” Merlin said.

“Would you give us your magic?” The first voice asked, and Merlin drew in a deep breath before nodding firmly.


“Your eternal life?”

“Yes,” he didn’t even need to think about it.

“Your soul?” He nodded slowly.

“One kiss?”

“What?” he tried to turn round, to face the woman who had spoken, but strong hands held him in place.


“That’s because I’m you,” the other self told him, bringing their swords together, hilt to hilt, and trying to force him downwards, but Arthur stood his ground. “There’s no way to beat me.”

“There is always a way to beat an opponent,” Arthur told him firmly, reciting words he had used over and over again to assure scared young knights and squires before battle. “There is always hope.”

“You don’t believe that,” his own voice whispered to him, before Excalibur was brought back and around as fast as lightning, and Arthur barely had time to bring up his own blade to block it. “In the end, everything dies and everything you did came to nothing.”

“But I’m still fighting…” Arthur said.

“What for?” His double asked. “What are you fighting for?”

“For Merlin,” he breathed, without even waiting for a moment, “For Merlin, for Camelot and for…” He attacked again in earnest, but every swing was blocked, every thrust deflected and the double danced away, so light on his feet it was as though he were floating.

“For what, Arthur - King Arthur - High King of Albion, who brought his people to ruin?”

“I. Did. Not.” Arthur bellowed, punctuating his final word with as powerful a swing as he could muster, the clang of metal against metal reverberated and the crowd gasped.

“Camelot has fallen because of you and your pet magician…” he told himself. “It is gone, but you wish to live again for him and for what else…”

“For me.” Arthur said under his breath as he was forced down to one knee. “For me!”

而且前几天也一直忍不住在想The Once and Future King的结局。忘记在哪里看到过一个说法,说亚瑟王的悲剧是典型的希腊悲剧精神,当时觉得有点扯,总觉得北方的悲剧和南方还是有很大差别。后来翻自己的博,发现当年做的读书笔记,希腊的英雄与北方英雄的区别就是,北方的英雄在疼痛与死亡面前不表现出任何恐惧,而希腊的英雄有他作为人的恐惧与弱点,但他就是带着这些人性的弱点赴死。那么亚瑟的故事的确符合这种感觉,因为弱点而被莫高斯引诱生下莫德雷德,然后因为这个弱点陨落。
但是看The Once and Future King时哭得最厉害的,是这段:
Arthur was tired out.  He had been broken by the two battles which he had fought already, the one at Dover, the other at Barbam Down.  His wife was a prisoner.  His oldest friend was banished.  His son was trying to kill him.  Gawain was buried.  His Table was dispersed.  His country was at war.

亚瑟在有三扇门的房间里遇到奥克尼兄弟也超赞TOT!看到Gareth, Gaheris和Gawaine名字的时候真是有迷之感动和虐ToT……

He imagined Arthur, sapped of colour, just shades of grey rather than red and gold, reaching out with hands that could not hold a sword, or push him, or drift over his shoulders gently. He imagined his King robbed of warmth and voice, left to drift into nothing, walking the same steps over and over again, with no purpose and no end. His mind rebelled and he felt sick to his stomach. This was not Arthur’s death.


“Arthur,” his mother whispered reverently, brushing a kiss to the top of his forehead as she held him in her arms.

He had never known that his mother lived long enough to hold him. He had always thought that she had been dead before she had even seen him and no one had ever told him differently.

“It was worth it,” she said again, her voice so very soft. “You were worth it.” She looked up, directly into the older Arthur’s eyes, seeing him quite clearly and spoke directly to him. “Know that I did it willingly, and I love you.”



梅林去瓦尔哈拉找亚瑟这段也超催泪……He is called the Once and Futue King,看到永恒之王的名头出来的时候眼泪都要掉下来……同样的在看到命运三女神的时候鸟肌了TvT
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开门雪满山 2012/08/16(Thu)  13:29 編集
【2012/08/16(Thu)  15:13】
[Merlin][MA]So Long and Good Night HOME Love is Blind
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