


There can be no doubt that a retreat to Olmuetz or beyond, however disgraceful, was the right policy. ... but it would not have accorded with the traditions of the house of Habsburg.  Ferdinand II encompassed by the rebels, Maria Theresa in conflict with all the armies of the Continent, Francis in his ceaseless wars against Napoleon, all had put their fortunes to the test on the battlefield, however unfavourable the circumstances.  Austria's position in Europe did not rest so much on great victories as on her defensive strength.  She had not lost provinces, but only after long and fierce resistance.  Never did she abandon a position without a struggle as Prussia did at Olmuetz, or as Russia was to do at the Congress of Berlin.  There was in Austria no articulate public opinion, and the determining factor was therefore the honour of the empire and the dynasty; a ruling house, especially when it is sure of the allegiance of its subjects, will always prefer a battle to a voluntary humiliation.

Prussia Headquarters were far from confident; it was clear that the centre was making no headway, and the troops who had been on the march since early morning with nothing but a cup of coffee to sustain them could hardly be expected to withstand a powerful counter-attack. ... Bismarck related later that, noticing that Moltke had run out of cigars, he offered him his own case, with the two last cigars in it; he was relieved to see that Moltke carefully examined them and chose the better one. (好可爱!不知为何就是觉得喝了一杯咖啡就去打仗的普君很萌!信心十足挑一根好烟的Moltke也好萌!)

The Austrian army was, however, as much shaken by its own loss of morale as it could have been by any Prussian pursuit.  The cavalry could rightly feel they had done as well as the enemy, and the artillery had shown itself definitely superior; but the infantry had lost faith in everything--in their weapons, in their leaders, in their tactics, and in themselves.  None could be braver than the Austrian infantry in attack, but there their enegy was exhausted and during the retreat they lost all discipline.

The Austrian army had fought bravely and honourably to the last: there was no Austrian collapse after Koeniggraetz like the French collapse after Rossbach or the Prussian collapse after Jena, and the victor was left almost as exhausted as the vanquished. (到哪儿都是慢吞吞的,到哪儿都是pride的问题,果然是这家伙的作风么orz……话说回来,打赢之后忘了趁胜追击,在原地一圈一圈打转欢庆胜利的普君家军队也很可爱啊)

French Intervention

Austria, the Prince said, was cringing in defeat, but revengeful in victory, and would exact a heavy retribution at the first opportunity unless she was crushed completely. (跟你没完不愧是跟你没完……)

Bismarck therefore grasped all the more eagerly at a new weapon to force Austria to a speedy peace.  He sent for the Hungarian exile, General Klapka, and told him that the organisation of a Hungarian legion was to be seriously undertaken; the Hungarian prisoners were to be transferred to Silesia and there Klapka was to try to recuit them for an invasion of Hungary.  Bismarck declared that he did not aim at the destruction of Austria, but only at a rapid conclusion of peace; but since he anticipated further fighting, he was ready to give the Hungarian a chance to show that their boasts were not empty words. (哇靠搞了半天最后进攻匈牙利的是匈牙利军团啊!顿时脑补了反骨咖喱男!这可真美味啊……)

Bismarck and Moltke realised that the nearer they got to Vienna the higher would be the final reward of victory.

The Emperor's principal anxiety was Hungary, for the German and Slav lands, despite their complaints, never refused further sacrifices of blood and money. (从内心变态的一面来说,很喜欢这样的抖M贵族啊……)


Austria found herself deserted, in a position best described by a French lady who said to Vitzthum: "Do you know what history will say?  I will whisper it in your ear: When virtuous Austria finally decided to yield to Napoleon's wishes, she found only an Abelard--after the operation." (一口血喷出来,你们……你们……这尺度比同人还要大啊!)

Bismarck had offered over and over again to share Germany with Austria.  It may be doubted whether these offers were sincere; now, at any rate, they ceased. (就算是自找的,还是会觉得虐,果然是厨的溺爱心理么……TvT,即使总有一种想把他折腾得直接入土为安[喂]的冲动,也会觉得虐啊> <)

Meanwhile [on July 23] a swarm of German princes and ministers hastened to Vienna to beg for protection. (笑死了……不知为何就是觉得很好笑,而且Pfordten先生自己当时不也是反奥的嘛,萨叔家却没人来求援……)


On the conclusion of the armistice the [Hungarian] legion was officially dissolved, but on Bismarck's instruction it remained in existence, and on August 3 it embarked on the invasion of Hungary.  The invasion did not proceed very far.  There was not the slightest sign of a popular insurrection agaist the Austrian rule, and on August 6 the legion of Klapka hastily recrossed the Hungarian frontier without having fired a shot.


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[奥中心土豆家]冬之旅 17 HOME Struggle for Supremacy in Germany 3
photo by 七ツ森  /  material by 素材のかけら
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